Lets be honest, when you’re expecting a baby, the woman does 98% of the work. She gets very sick initially, she has the constant worry of carrying the foetus, she gains weight, gets pains in her hips/back/neck/knees (you name it and its sore).
Then after 9 months of putting her life on hold she will go into labour for 1-3 days and have to push a baby out. What does the man do? Walk around high fiving his friends, talking about his bloodline and looking at clips of the Lion King wondering how he can recreate this at the Christening.
What the hell does this have to do with running a Gym & Fitness Business? Well, everything.
“I just don’t have the time!”
The number one excuse people use for not getting a good fitness or weight loss routine going is “Time”. They either don’t have it, or can’t find it anywhere in their week. More often than not it’s just a point in peoples lives that kids take priority and it leaves very little time for themselves, or anything else.
Unless you have kids, it’s very hard to tell someone how they should and shouldn’t manage their time and weekly routine. Because let’s be honest, you haven’t a clue!
What Next??
Today is Wednesday Dec 4th 2024 and it’s our due date for our first baby! ❤️ If this little boy is anything like his Dad (that’s me, hopefully), he will be late as fuck and come in his own time, and he won’t follow anyone’s advice unless he wants to! 😂
I thought I would write this now before he arrives while I have grand ideas of how I’ll juggle work, a little baby, managing my own fitness routine and will report back to you all in about 8 weeks when it’s all gone to shit & I’ve followed my other dream job as a Guinness Quality Taster for Garavans Pub!! 🍺
As a friend of mine said to me last week - “See you on the other side”